Office: 01536 416560 Email:
This responsive service has transferred to North Northants council but continues to work with people who are rough sleeping in the town to support them to access the services they require with the aim of ultimately supporting them back into accommodation.
The Outreach team provide regular day/night sweeps of the town to respond to notifications of people sleeping on the streets. The team will support people with health/GP/addiction services/ benefits/housing issues as well as working with the Council's housing department and private landlords to source accommodation.
This service makes referrals into the other services Accommodation Concern provides including free advice from our advisers, access to foodbank supplies, and referrals where appropriate to our supported accommodation provision.
North Northants Council has successfully applied for Central Government (MHCLG) Rough Sleeper Initiative money to fund our Rough Sleeper Outreach workers and six 1 bedroom Housing First Model flats.
If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough in our area, let us know by:
calling the Rough Sleeping team on
Using the out-of-hours service on
Please see the councils website for more details.
Looking for help? Contact us now
Accommodation Concern is a registered charity (number 1146257), and a company limited by guarantee (number 07945758)