Office: 01536 416560 Email:
About us
Accommodation Concern is an independent charity committed to preventing and relieving homelessness and poverty, based in Kettering.
All services are free, at the point of delivery, and open to all ages from 16 years of age.
Please fill out the form below to register your membership with us.
Please Note: Fields Marked with a * are required
I am a UK taxpayer and I wish you to claim Gift Aid on my donation.If you want us to claim Gift Aid on your donation HMRC require your home address to be given above.I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax, than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
All Data will be used and stored in accordance with GDPR regulations and only used the purposes of administering this membership scheme. Payment for membership is via a PayPal portal (PayPal or credit/debit card).
PLEASE NOTE: Following submssion you can either make a donation via PayPal or download a standing order form.
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Looking for help? Contact us now
Accommodation Concern is a registered charity (number 1146257), and a company limited by guarantee (number 07945758)
Contact us
Office hours
Office01536 416560
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