Office: 01536 416560 Email:
If you need us outside of office hours please contact us to arrange an appointment at a time that suits you.
NHFT (Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust) is our local NHS Foundation Trust which provides mental health and community services across Northamptonshire, England. NHFT has commissioned us to provide housing, benefit and debt advice services for people accessing their services who live within Northamptonshire.
We also provide support for professionals employed by NHFT to support their patients.
If you are an NHFT patient and want to access our support ask your practitioner/support worker/nurse to refer you. or you can self-refer by phoning us on 01536 416560 or emailing us
Looking for help? Contact us now
Accommodation Concern is a registered charity (number 1146257), and a company limited by guarantee (number 07945758)