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Accommodation Concern's Virtual Race Night: A Community Gallop to Success Raising £784.50

Accommodation Concern's Virtual Race Night: A Community Gallop to Success Raising £784.50

On the evening of December 7th, 2024, The Piper in Kettering was not just a venue but a vibrant stage where community spirit galloped to new heights during Accommodation Concern’s virtual race night. This event, which successfully raised £784.50, was a testament to how a community can come together, much like a well-bred team of horses, to pull for a common cause.

Participants didn't just watch races; they had the unique chance to name the virtual thoroughbreds, each for a £5 stake, leading to a stable of creative names like "Sleepyhead", "Scorpio Al", and "Mane Housing Duty". The atmosphere was electrifying, with each race galloping towards its conclusion amidst cheers, strategic neighs, and the occasional neigh-bourly nudge about who might win.

The evening was a perfect blend of drawing together professionals, locals, and families, all under the banner of support for those in need. It was an event where every laugh, bet, and cheer was a stride towards providing warmth, shelter, and hope, showing that even in tough times, together we can create a real 'stable' environment.

Guest-operated by professional racing hosts for the night, races were displayed on the screens with announcements made live from their podia. One attendee summed up the night, "Honestly we all had such a good time. Thank you again xxx."

For those who missed out or wish to continue their support, the starting gates are still open at, where you can still contribute to the event’s fundraising.

Looking Ahead, trot over to our next event, a charity quiz night followed by a sleepout at Wicksteed Park on February 21st. Find out more and secure your participation at

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